Ahmed Abdessalam Bakkali

Born on the 21st of October 1932 in Asilah Morocco. He is a Moroccan poet, novelist, play and children’s book writer. He is most famous for his children’s books and considered one of the pioneers of science fiction and detective novels in Morocco.

He won more than fourteen awards for his poetry which was published in several Moroccan and Arab newspapers and magazines since the 1950's. He published more than fifty books in poetry, short stories, novels, criticism, translation, poetic plays, radio and television plays, as well as children’s and junior’s books.

In the 1980s, he devoted himself to writing books for children and teenagers, for which he won in 1982 the “ALECSO” award from the Arab Organization for Education, Culture and Science, and in 1997 the Queen Noor’s Award, wife of King Hussein of Jordan.

He is considered one of the pioneers in Arabic science fiction with his novels: “The Blue Flood”.


He started out as a poet, and won more than fourteen awards for his poetry. His poems were published in the 1950s in the magazines “Al-Anis,” “Al-Anwar,” “Al-Ma’rifa,” and in the newspaper “An-Nahar” in Tetouan. In the Al-Alam newspaper in the 1960s, in the National Charter, and in a number of Arab magazines and newspapers, such as the Qatari Doha Magazine, the National Guard Magazine, and the Saudi Arabian Magazine from the beginning of the 1970s until the early 2000s.

Poetic Talent

In small, beautiful Asilah, surrounded by the old Portuguese wall, his poetic talent blossomed before he knew what poetry was. There was neither a poet nor a writer in the city…

In Wonderful Tetouan

In late 1949, he moved to Tetouan to complete high school. Tetouan was the capital of the region under Spanish protectorate. In Tetouan he published his first poems in the magazine…

Recognition And Awards

In Tetouan, he won several literary awards for his patriotic poetry in three competitions organized by the “News, Advertising and Travel Agency” affiliated with the Istiqlal …

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مولاي إدريس
من ضمير حي: مختارات من نثريات حسن الشريف
حوار السيرة والذاكرة
أيامنا الخضراء
سأبكي يوم ترجعين
جزيرة النوارس
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I will cry when you will return
سأبكي يوم ترجعين

April 18, 2023

“What Happens to the genius mind when love is cut off?”. The story, by Ismail Al-Banna, takes you inside the cold genius mind and the burning human emotions maze. They killed his great-love twice, so he lived two lives and died twice. He lived two lives, one dreaming of glory and honor in serving his country and humanity. As for the second life, it is the subject of this novel, the story of Ismail Al-Banna. It is unlike any other story, as it did not end with “happily ever after.” So beware of approaching his house!


Fatima Zehra Saoudi
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منذ نعومة أظفاري وأنا أعشق قصص ومؤلفات وإبداعا الكاتب المتميز، أحمد عبد السلام البقالي كم أحن إلى قراءتها مرة أخرى سأحاول اغتنام فرصة وجودي في المغرب لأقتني بعض مؤلفاته
Rabat Morocco
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"سنوات قليلة قبل وفاة الاستاذ عبد السلام البقالي (2010) ، وفي لقاء معه بمنزله كان سعيدا و متأثرا ...وانا أحكي له عن "سأبكي يوم ترجعين" و تفاعلي معها وأني لا زلت أتذكر كل تلك التفاصيل. حينها فهمت علاقة هذا المبدع الكبير بالأطفال وقدرته على إثارة اهتمامهم وانتباههم، فقد كان رحمه الله شديد التعلق بهم والكتابة لهم. فكان بحق رائدا في مجال الكتابة للطفل وقد تجلى ذلك في ما خلفه من أعمال كثيرة ورائعة، لا اظن أنه تم الاحتفاء بها كما يليق.. تحية من القلب لروح المبدع والكاتب المغربي الكبير عبد السلام البقالي

علياء ماء العينين
Abdelhamid Gharbi
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"لماذا عوض أن أتمم كتابا لجبران خليل جبران, قررت قراءة هاته ال 350 صفحة؟
أولا, الكاتب مغربي -ابن بلدي, و ما قرأت كتابا لمغربي قط ثانيا, هذا الكتاب من اقتناءات امي النادرة ثالثا, نشر سنة 1980, كنت أتوقع انني سأجد به أفكارا و سردا متجاوزا
.لكنني اندهشت

The Fox of Asilah

"فلم مغربي "ثعلب أصيلة

In the winding streets of Asilah, the film tells the story of two children kidnapped by a gang specializing in begging, helping them escape and return to their family a big man has a mysterious past nicknamed “fox of Asilah” image…